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Mali 2023 EITI Targeted Assessment: call for views on stakeholder engagement

Call for views on progress in EITI implementation in Mali

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Mali joined the EITI in 2007.

In October 2022, Mali’s Validation against the 2019 Standard found that Mali had achieved a “fairly low” overall score in implementing the EITI Standard. 

In May 2023, the EITI Board agreed that a targeted assessment of select EITI Requirements should be undertaken in Mali’s commencing on 1 October 2023.  The targeted assessment will focus on Government engagement (EITI Requirement 1.1), Civil society engagement (EITI Requirement 1.3), Contract and license allocations (EITI Requirement 2.2), License register (EITI Requirement 2.3) and Contracts (EITI Requirement 2.4).

the EITI International Secretariat is seeking stakeholder views on Mali’s progress in implementing the EITI Standard between October 2022 and October 2023.

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Stakeholders are requested to send views to Alex Gordy ( by 1 October 2023.


Мы считаем, что природные ресурсы стран принадлежат их гражданам. Наша миссия — формирование представления об управлении природными ресурсами, укрепление государственного и корпоративного управления и предоставление данных для обеспечения более высокого уровня прозрачности и подотчетности в добывающем секторе. Становясь членами Инициатива Прозрачности в Добывающих Отраслях (ИПДО), страны обязуются раскрывать информацию на всех этапах цепочки создания стоимости в добывающей отрасли — от способов предоставления прав на добычу до путей распределения доходов правительством и возможностей получения общественностью выгод от этих доходов. Посредством участия в ИПДО свыше 50 стран согласились придерживаться Стандарта ИПДО — общего набора правил в отношении того, какую информацию и когда необходимо раскрывать. В каждой присоединившейся к ИПДО стране внедрение Стандарта ИПДО поддерживается многосторонней группой заинтересованных сторон, состоящей из представителей правительства, компаний и гражданского общества.


The EITI Standard requires that the government, extractive companies and civil society are fully, actively and effectively engaged in EITI implementation. The Secretariat is in particular seeking views on the following questions:

  1. Are the government, extractive companies and civil society fully, actively and effectively engaged in EITI implementation?
  2. Are there any obstacles or barriers to the participation of any of these constituencies or their sub-groups in EITI implementation?

Civil society engagement in the EITI will be assessed in accordance with EITI Protocol: Participation of civil society. Stakeholders are requested to provide input on Mali’s adherence with the protocol.

Any concerns related to potential breaches of the protocol should be accompanied with a description of the related incident, including its timing, actors involved and the link to the EITI process. If available, supporting documentation should be provided. Stakeholders may also indicate which provision of the civil society protocol they consider the breach(es) to relate to. Responses will be anonymised and be kept confidential.

The Secretariat is seeking views on the following questions related to civil society engagement:

  1. Are civil society organisations able to engage in public debate related to the EITI process and express opinions about the EITI process without restraint, coercion or reprisal?
  2. Are civil society representatives able to operate freely in relation to the EITI process?
  3. Are civil society representatives able to communicate and cooperate with each other regarding the EITI process?
  4. Are civil society representatives able to be fully, actively and effectively engaged in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the EITI process?
  5. Are civil society representatives able to speak freely on transparency and natural resource governance issues, and ensure that the EITI contributes to public debate?

For purposes of the protocol, ‘civil society representatives’ refer to civil society representatives who are substantively involved in the EITI process, including but not limited to members of the multi-stakeholder group. The ‘EITI process’ refers to activities related to preparing for EITI sign-up; MSG meetings; CSO constituency side-meetings on EITI, including interactions with MSG representatives; producing EITI Reports; producing materials or conducting analysis on EITI Reports; expressing views related to EITI activities; and expressing views related to natural resource governance.