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"Transparency in the extractive industries has come a long way"

"Transparency in the extractive industries has come a long way"

At the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Bangkok, the rapid progress towards more revenue transparency was discussed at the plenary session ‘Fuelling Transparency and, Accountability in the Natural Resources and Energy Markets’. The panelists included Chair of the EITI Peter Eigen and Director of the Revenue Watch Institute Karin Lissakers.

EITI Chair Peter Eigen emphasised that only over the past few years half a billion people have won access to revenue figures from their country's extractive industries. This has happened as 33 countries have started to implement the transparency requirements within the EITI standard. Eigen further said that data disclosure through the EITI provides a powerful lever for demanding better global governance,  greater, accountability and increased citizen engagement. 

For a more detailed account of the panel at the IACC, read this third edition of IACC Today:
