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Paris, France

EITI at the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains 2023

Summary of the EITI's engagements at the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

  • 24 – 28 April 2023
  • In-person

Dates: 24-28 April

Location: Paris, France

Registration: Register here

The 2023 edition of the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains will reflect the current priorities of the OECD implementation programme, featuring sessions on combatting corruption, engaging with mining communities in high-risk areas, and taking action against environmental degradation linked to mineral production and processing. A key theme will be on leveraging due diligence to foster synergies between the policy objectives of a responsible and reliable supply of minerals critical to the energy transition.


The EITI will participate in a number of sessions and side events: 

Licensing during the energy transition: Understanding the risks and challenges

Mon 24 April
14:30 – 15:30


Organised by the EITI and NRGI with speakers from ICMM, Transparency International Australia and IEA

The award of mining licenses is one of the most contested points of the mineral extraction process, and one of the highest risk areas when it comes to corruption. More mining is needed to meet the world's energy transition needs, this is impacting trends in mining licensing. This session will look at how these trends are reshaping corruption risks and the implications for communities and citizens in mineral-rich countries.

Expert group consultation: How companies can manage corruption risks in mineral supply chains
[by invitation only]

Tue 25 April
09:30 – 10:30

Organised by the EITI, NRGI and OECD

This session will provide a structured space for private sector stakeholders to share learnings, challenge, and ideas from their experiences managing corruption risks. It brings together companies with selected academics and civil society organisations.

By invitation only (please email [email protected] for more information).

JET Minerals Challenge Innovators’ Bootcamp

Tue 25 April
13:00 – 15:00

Sebastian Sahla, EITI Policy Manager, will be mentoring finalists in the USAID funded innovators bootcamp

The JET Minerals Challenge catalyses the development, application, and scaling of innovations to counter corruption and strengthen transparency, accountability, and integrity in the global rush to meet unprecedented demand for green minerals.

Accessing minerals…at all costs? Combatting corruption amid growing demand for raw materials

Wed 26 April
14:30 – 15:45

(Room CC1 - livestream available to registered OECD participants)

Moderated by Sebastian Sahla, EITI Policy Manager

The high risk of corruption in mineral supply chains and its many corrosive effects are well documented. As these risks are only increasing with the push for security of mineral supply, there is little evidence of widespread meaningful company action, particularly for companies in the mid and downstream segment of mineral supply chains. The objective of this session will be to discuss how policy approaches to corruption can help overcome barriers to investment in low governance mining regions and elaborate on tools available to support anti-corruption due diligence.

Demystifying due diligence assessments: Enhancing transparency in upstream mining

Thu 27 April
13:00 – 14:00


Organised by the EITI and London Metals Exchange

As part of risk assessments, companies seek to identify actors along the minerals supply chain. Countries implementing the EITI (currently 57, some of them in conflict-affected and high-risk areas) publish a range of information on the upstream (mining and trade) that can inform on-the-ground assessments.  

This session’s objective is to explain what the EITI Standard requires in terms of public disclosure. It will also seek to demonstrate how to access this information, and how to draw on national multi-stakeholder groups to highlight risks and request information.  

Trade agreements and partnerships: Understanding ESG concerns 
[by invitation only] 

Thu 27 April
15:30 – 16:30

Organised by the EITI and NRGI

As importing countries in high-income countries look to secure supplies of key minerals to drive the energy transition and ensure energy security, a number of new agreements and partnerships have sprung up to facilitate this supply. This workshop will look at these partnerships and agreements more closely and seek to understand:

  • How they are incorporating environmental, social, and governance standards;
  • The extent to which the question of governance, and anticorruption in particular, has been prominent within these efforts;
  • What more is needed to ensure these partnerships advance good governance and protect the rights of stakeholders along mineral value chains.

By invitation only (please email [email protected] for more information).

Best practices in addressing transnational corruption

Fri 28 April
08:15 – 09:30

Speaker: Fatma Nyambura, EITI Policy Manager

This session will highlight case studies of successful efforts that help model effective, innovative and impactful programming in key technical areas where JET Minerals Challenge semifinalists are proposing to work, including:  

  • Constraining opportunities for corruption: Local government and community regulations and agreements with mining companies and miners;
  • Raising the costs for corruption: Auditing, monitoring, investigating, and blowing the whistle on mineral operations to support accountability;
  • Incentivising integrity: Transparency in payments, traceability systems, due diligence of suppliers and corporate compliance.