EITI National Coordinators Meeting 2024
EITI National Coordinator Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 17-18 June 2024
The EITI, in partnership with the World Bank and the Government of Switzerland represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), hosted a peer learning event bringing together National Coordinators and representatives from EITI multi-stakeholder groups (MSGs) to exchange good practices, opportunities and common challenges.
Presentations and materials
The following resources were shared and presented at the National Coordinators Meeting 2024:
Strategic documents
- Draft EITI strategic priorities 2024-2028
- EITI data strategy
- Options for reviewing the Validation model
- Draft Terms of Reference for EITI reporting (undergoing review): PowerPoint presentation
Thematic presentations
- Energy transition (see also policy brief)
- Work planning and MSG participation
- Civil society engagement
Country case studies
World Bank / EGPS III
Day 1: Moving EITI implementation forward
The session will build on the virtual discussions on the revised Terms of Reference (ToR) for EITI Reports and seek to build consensus from the constituency on the content of the proposed ToR. Guidance will be provided on how countries could approach reporting for their next reporting cycle pending the approval of the draft ToR. This session will also address broader issues for consideration in updating the Validation model.
Day 2: Strategic priorities and innovations
The objective of the EITI National Coordinators meeting is to foster a shared understanding of the evolving global context regarding extractive sector governance and implications for EITI implementation. Through peer learning and exchange, the meeting will build capacity on the EITI's strategic priorities and the 2023 EITI Standard.
Queries related to the EITI National Coordinators meeting should be directed to Leah Krogsund ([email protected]) at the EITI International Secretariat.