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Consultant to develop Opening Extractives programme progress stories

Request for proposals

Date limite


The Opening Extractives programme (OE) aims to transform the availability and use of beneficial ownership data for effective governance in the extractive sector. It provides sustained support for over five years to approximately ten countries seeking to bring data on company ownership into the public domain.


The consultant must meet the following criteria:

  • Substantial experience working in development projects, with skills in the communication of impact, data and evidence and familiarity with evaluation and learning.
  • Demonstrated skills in storytelling in written form and/or video format (consultant should submit sample(s) of communication materials for development work done in the past).
  • Sound writing skills and fluency in English (materials may be translated by the programme, depending on the target audience). Any language requirements for the purposes of conducting interviews will be coordinated by the OE programme team).
  • Demonstrated experience conveying complex issues in a simple, clear, and engaging manner. Evidence of similar progress stories produced by the consultant will be taken into account in evaluating the responses.
  • Relevant experience and knowledge on governance, transparency, and accountability matters, particularly in the extractive sector. Familiarity with anti-corruption reforms.
  • Experience engaging multiple local stakeholders, including facilitation and interview skills, across different contexts.
  • Desirable: familiarity with one or more of the following countries: Armenia, Ghana, Liberia, Mongolia, Nigeria or Zambia.
  • Ability to access to partners who help create high-quality local content (e.g. film crews in the above countries).
Proposals should be received by Tuesday 26 July 2022 17:00 CEST and submitted to Nyasha Vera ([email protected]) .  

A propos de l'ITIE

Nous considérons que les ressources naturelles d’un pays appartiennent à ses citoyens. Notre mission consiste à promouvoir la compréhension de la gestion des ressources naturelles, à renforcer la gouvernance et la redevabilité publiques et des entreprises, et à fournir les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au dialogue multipartite dans le secteur extractif. En devenant membres de l’ITIE, les pays s’engagent à divulguer des informations sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l’industrie extractive – des conditions d’octroi des droits d’extraction, à la manière dont les revenus parviennent au gouvernement et profitent à la population. Par le biais de la participation à l’ITIE, 56 pays ont adopté un ensemble de règles communes régissant ce qui doit être divulgué et quand – la Norme ITIE. Dans chacun des pays ayant adhéré à l’ITIE, un groupe multipartite composé de représentants du gouvernement, des entreprises et de la société civile apporte son soutien à la mise en œuvre de la Norme ITIE.