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The Government of Germany supports the EITI through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for planning and implementing the German government's development policy. Its tasks focus on helping to shape global framework conditions, developing bilateral and multilateral development strategies and supporting development programs and projects in partner countries. It also focusses on promoting development cooperation among non-governmental organisations and progress monitoring and controlling the use of funds.

Since its inception in 2003, the German government has provided the EITI with the technical, political and financial support of over 30 million euros. Constructive support to the EITI will continue to be an important element of German raw materials policy in the future.

German raw materials policy

Engagement with the EITI

Germany has been integral to the EITI and its progress through its political, financial and technical support. This has included assisting national EITI processes in more than 30 partner countries through bilateral and regional programmes. It has also engaged in international EITI governance and contributed to the World Bank's multi-donor trust funds for EITI implementation.

Germany has been actively engaged in international EITI governance as a member of the EITI Board from June 2019 to December 2020, committee member and Chair of one of the European sub-constituencies of supporting countries.  Germany is also part of the Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS) steering committee. In 2018, Germany hosted the 40th EITI Board meeting.

Support for EITI implementing countries 

As of 2020, Germany is supporting 17 national EITI processes via bilateral and regional programmes in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. Implemented through the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Germany provides technical support in the field of civil society participation, EITI mainstreaming, beneficial ownership and impact evaluation. It also provides support for EITI workplan execution, validation, preparation and communication.

Furthermore, Germany has been implementing the EITI Standard since February 2016. To read more about Germany as an EITI implementing country please visit Germany's webpage on the EITI website. 

EITI focal contact: Sören Dengg (former Board member), Head of Division for Energy, Hydrogen, Raw materials and Infrastructure, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

EITI countries